Fach Wolfgang |
Das Spektrum des Außergewöhnlichen -Konzeptionelle Ansätze, empirisch-phänomenologische Untersuchungen und plananalytische Fallstudien zur mentalen Repräsentation bei außergewöhnlichen Erfahrungen |
Prof. Caspar |
17.06.2024 |
Schlunegger Daniel |
Sequential choice effects in perceptual decision making |
Prof. Mast |
16.05.2024 |
Schneider Andrea Regula |
Safety and Mobility - Towards a better understanding of safety perception, risk-taking-behaviors and errors through the application of innovative methodological approaches |
Prof. Elfering |
24.04.2024 |
Makowski Lisa Michaela |
Revisiting the Temporal Resolution Power (TRP) Hypothesis: An Investigation of the Behavioral and Psychophysiological Aspects of the Relationship Between TRP and Psychometric Intelligence |
Prof. Troche |
16.04.2024 |
Wilhelm Francisco |
Career Self-Management: An Examination of Its Nature, Structure, Measurement, Relation to Employability, and Within-Person Processes |
Prof. Hirschi |
27.03.2024 |
Pervilhac Charlotte Marie Amélie |
Mentale Gesundheit und Umweltfaktoren – Eine globale Herausforderung |
Prof. Znoj |
07.02.2024 |
Hodel Lea |
Indicators of a Successful Gender-Fair Language Reform — Gender-Fair Language Use in and Its Consequences for Job Recruitment |
Prof. Sczesny |
02.02.2024 |
Wyssen Gerda Cornelia |
Between imagery and perception: The case of mental self-rotation |
Prof. Mast |
31.01.2024 |
Willems Tom Eric |
Imaging Inaccessible Memories: The potential of ultra-high field MRI for research into memory and pathological forgetting |
Prof. Henke |
29.01.2024 |
Truxius Lidia Jana |
Exploring early handwriting proficiency: Kinematic characteristics and the role of visuomotor integration and executive functions |
Prof. Roebers |
Seewer Noëmi |
Alleviating Loneliness Online? Evaluation of an Internet-based Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Loneliness |
PD Dr. Krieger |
10.01.2024 |
Rockstroh Franziska |
The Course of Self-Injury in Help-Seeking Adolescents - Treatment, Trajectory, and Prediction of a Transdiagnostic Phenomenon |
Prof. Schmidt |
22.12.2023 |
Moye Amir Josef |
Cultural Ripples and Brain Waves: Investigations into Mindfulness, Analytical Meditation, and Culture-Sensitive Research |
Prof. Mast |
21.12.2023 |
Krivoshchekov Vladislav |
Factors facilitating and inhibiting gender diversity at the organisational and societal levels: Emotionality in diversity statements and traditional masculinities |
Prof. Sczesny |
20.12.2023 |
Ghibellini Romain |
Perceptions and Persistence: A Multifaceted Exploration of the Hypnagogic State and Unfinished Intentions |
Prof. Meier |
14.12.2023 |
Malayeri Shera |
Toward Understanding Heterosexual Aggression in Iran: Prevalence, Predictors, and Perceptions of Sexual Aggression among Iranian Women and Men |
Prof. Sczesny |
06.11.2023 |
Guizar Rosales Emmanuel Teófilo |
Bridging Our Present and Others' Future in the Brain - Neural Sources of Interindividual Differences in Intergenerationally and Environmentally Sustainable Behavior |
Prof. Knoch |
02.11.2023 |
Studler Mirjam |
Decoding the Sleeping Mind - The association between neural traits during deep sleep and individual differences in risk preferences and prosocial preferences |
Prof. Knoch |
02.11.2023 |
Rummens Koen |
Challenging the similarity rule of visual crowding: When detrimental clutter becomes beneficial uniformity |
Prof. Sayim |
29.10.2023 |
Chirco Patrizia Pasqua |
White Americans’ reactions to a racially diversifying nation and social psychological interventions to address them |
Prof. Sczesny |
11.10.2023 |
Wyss Annika Marit |
Human Behavior and the Anthropocene - Studying the Determinants of Pro-Environmental Behavior from an Environmental Psychological Perspective |
Prof. Knoch |
15.08.2023 |
Scheidegger Alina |
Biopsychosocial factors among patients with chronic primary pain to consider and foster for an improved interdisciplinary multimodal pain treatment |
Prof. Grosse Holtforth |
26.07.2023 |
Bielinski Laura Luisa |
Toward Blended Treatment? Findings From Three Research Projects That Combine an Internet-Based Emotion Regulation Intervention With Face-to-Face Psychotherapy |
Prof. Berger |
12.07.2023 |
Tomberge Vica Marie Jelena |
Women’s health behavior in unequal gender power relations - The example of carrying heavy loads in Nepal |
Prof. Inauen |
19.06.2023 |
Borgmann Michèle |
Sexual Pleasure Matters - Defining, Operationalizing, and Promoting Sexual Pleasure |
Prof. Znoj |
23.05.2023 |
Bühler Florian Jonas |
Sociocultural Aspects of Metacognitive Monitoring |
Prof. Roebers |
04.05.2023 |
Rihs Michael |
Thinking of Death: The Effect of Death-Related Thoughts on Cognition, Emotion and Cultural Values |
Prof. Mast |
11.04.2023 |
Lombris Claudia |
Narzissmus in romantischen Beziehungen: Unterstützungsprozesse und die moderierende Rolle des Vertrauens |
Prof. Morf |
06.04.2023 |
Büetiger Jessica |
The new era of psychosis risk research: Being “only” at risk for psychosis matters |
Prof. Roebers |
03.04.2023 |
Klar Johanna |
Digital Drugs - Pathological Internet Use in Adolescents - The classification, psychopathology,and neurophysiology of an emerging clinical disorder |
Prof. Roebers |
29.03.2023 |
Gubler Danièle Anne |
A Mechanism of Pain in the Brain: A Psychophysiological and Behavioral Investigation of Pain-related Interference on Attention and Creative Ideation |
Prof. Troche |
20.03.2023 |
Venus Marion |
Correlations and Interactions of Professional Pilots' Duty Rosters, Work-related and Psychosocial Stress, Sleep Problems, Fatigue, Mental Health and Well-being - New insights into known threats to flight safety |
Prof. grosse Holtforth |
22.02.2023 |
Bur Oliver Thomas |
Optimizing the Supportive Context of Web-Based Self-Help in Individuals With Mild to Moderate Depressive Symptoms |
Prof. Berger |
01.12.2022 |
Meier Deborah |
Social Dynamics in Situations of Co-Presence: On Interpersonal Synchrony and Psychotherapy Process |
Prof. Znoj
01.12.2022 |
Schneider Sandra Isabell |
Psychobiological stress among teachers: A transactional and multi-method approach |
Prof. grosse Holtforth |
22.11.2022 |
von Allmen Nicola |
Combining the Work and Nonwork Role: How to Achieve a Successful Interface |
Prof. Hirschi
02.11.2022 |
Imhof Christof |
A Prediction-Based Framework to Reduce Procrastination in Adaptive LearningSystems |
Prof. Mast
Schmidig Flavio Jean |
Epicodic Memories, Unconsciously Encoded |
Prof. Henke
04.10.2022 |
Niederhauser Laura |
Eye movements and surgical expertise: development of surgical competencies in ear and nose surgery |
Prof. Mast
12.09.2022 |
Ambühl Benjamin Adrian |
The Role of Psychological Ownership in Community-based Piped Water Supply Infrastructure in Nepal and India |
Prof. Inauen
01.09.2022 |
Melnik Natalia |
Crowding and appearance in peripheral vision: from emergent features to dyslexic readers |
Prof. Sayim
31.08.2022 |
Pacozzi Luca Aurelio |
Unconscious episodic memory - Mechanisms of inverse forgetting and their long-lasting influence on human behaviour |
Prof. Henke |
24.08.2022 |
Koroma Dennis |
Embitterment in the Context of Social Exclusion and Contemporary Health Questions |
Prof. Znoj |
13.08.2022 |
Grandjean Loris Noël |
Individualisation in Psychotherapy Research: Personality Disorders Spearheading the Way |
Prof. Berger |
06.07.2022 |
Chiquet Sandra
Mental Imagery Research and Social Interactions in Immersive Virtual Reality |
Prof. Mast
16.06.2022 |
Eggli Andrea Simone
Occupational Health in Social Work - The impact of social stressors on the health and well-being of social workers |
Prof. Elfering
02.05.2022 |
Kälin Sonja Helen
Integrating the three self-regulation constructs executive functions, effortful control, and metacognition: The importance of inhibition and monitoring |
Prof. Roebers
28.04.2022 |
Lüthi Fabienne Beatrice
Personal and Situational Resources: How do They Interrelate, Change, and Affect Career Success in and After Vocational Education and Training? |
Prof. Elfering
28.04.2022 |
Hegy Julia Katharina
Where Shall We Begin? Factors to Consider When Developing Psychological Interventions for Dealing With Stressful Life Events Based on the Results of Three Research Projects |
Prof. Znoj
14.04.2022 |
Zarro Baumeister Sandra Marinella
Vertrauen als Voraussetzung für Kreativität und Innovation: Ein Plananalyse-Ansatz zur Förderung innovativer Leistung - Trust as a Prerequisite for Creativity and Innovation: A Plan Analysis Approach to Foster Innovative Performance |
Prof. em. Caspar
30.03.2022 |
Marciniak Julian
Development and Promotion of Career Preparedness in Adolescents |
Prof. Hirschi
23.03.2022 |
Heer Sara Soraya Suleika
Nichts ist so beständig wie der Wandel –Eine Arbeit zu patient*innen- und therapeut*innenbezogener Veränderung in der Psychologischen Therapie |
Prof. em. Caspar
22.03.2022 |
Brog Noemi Anja
Coping with a pandemic: Findings on efficacy and predictors of treatment outcome in an internet-based self-help intervention for COVID-19 related psychological distress |
Prof. Znoj
18.03.2022 |
Ellis Andrew William
Vestibular Cognition: A Computational Approach to Sensory Inference and Cognition |
Prof. Mast
16.02.2022 |
Brintzinger Helene Miriam
Zur Personalisierung von Psychotherapie: Aspekte des individuellen
Stils der Emotionsverarbeitung
von Patientinnen und Patienten im Zusammenhang mit
allgemeinen Wirkfaktoren der Psychotherapie und mit der Therapie
depressiver Symptome
Prof. Znoj
28.01.2022 |
Sigrist Christine
Resting-State, Reactivity, and Circadian Rhythmicity: Three Different Functional Components of Autonomic Nervous System Activity in the Context of Developmental Psychopathology |
Prof. Schmidt
17.01.2022 |
Gurtner Lilla
A Forgotten Dimension of Eye Movements in Mental Imagery |
Prof. Mast
17.01.2022 |